Womens Racing

Hamilton Wheelers has always had a strong membership of ladies racing regularly. We aim to make racing inclusive and enjoyable to riders of all ages and abilities. We also aim to increase the level of participation by encouraging riders to start racing at a grassroots level.

Womens Only Racing
Generally all Hamilton Wheelers races are ‘gender neutral’ (open to both male and female riders). There are exceptions to this with specifically advertised races for women only including our Nicol Jackson Ladies Day and our ANZAC DAY racing.

Races within Races
However any Hamilton Wheelers club race that contain 8 or more women starters, will be considered to be a seperate 'race within a race'

For instance, if 20 men and 8 women entered a D grade race, the start and finish would be the same for all riders, but the women would be also be awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Prizemoney will be allocated based on the existing formula used for distribution of cash, based on the number of riders
in any race.

Races with less than 8 women entered
For races with 2 to 7 women starters, the first unplaced woman only will be awarded prizemoney ('unplaced' meaning not coming first, second or third outright).
In all races with 3 or more women, a separate podium presentation will be made (with photos). It will be important that all women riders claim their places to assist the commissaires at the finish line.

Points Races
This women’s racing policy does not apply to gender neutral points races. Generally a separate
women’s prize will be awarded for the highest scoring unplaced woman, or if no women gain points,
the first placed woman.

Annual Womens Only Series
Since 2011 we have held an annual Womens Event - the 'Nicol Jackson Womens Series' in honour of one of members who sadly passed away from Motor Neuron Disease. The Series is also a medical reseach fundraiser. 

For more info please contact our Ladies Captain Katherine Cole