Luggage Point ITT 20th Nov 2016 Results

Thanks to the riders who came out for the inaugral ITT out at Luggage Point, especially from our invited clubs Balmoral and Lifecycle, but the biggest thanks should go to Terry Cocksedge who was the turnaround marshall at the treatment plant. Terry get's comment of the day with  "It was like being in a fart for 2 hours!" 

Feedback on the course was quite good, and it was great to have juniors competing as well.

Thanks to our volunteers:
Chief Commissaire:Pete McDonald
Assistant Commissaire: Gordon Baudino
Marshalls: Terry Cocksedge, Josiah Perona
Finish: Chris Marty, Gary Alcorn
Vehicle:Mick Cole

U13 Sam 2nd, Myles 1st and Marly 3rd

U15 Ciaran 3rd, William 1st, Tim 2nd

Jacko, Audrey (1st U15 Lady), Mark (3rd), Andy (1st), Rene (Hard luck award), Kyle (2nd), Lucy (4th), Brett (5th, but actually 6th apologies to Shannon Proffit)