26th March 2017 Pinkenba ITT Results

There was an error with some start times and calculations which has been corrected. Unfortunately this affects the top 4 positions in 3 grades.
In A Grade Andy Patten and Dan Wilson tied for 3rd place, moving Henry Leef down to 8th.
In B1 1st and 2nd have been reversed, Mark Croonen 1st, Robert West 2nd
In B2 2nd and 3rd have been reversed, Phil Allen 2nd, Nicholas Free 3rd

We had a good turnout of 94 riders for the first road event of the season at Pinkenba. Thanks to our volunteers for helping out:
Chief Commissaire: Rene Lubbers
Assistant Commissaire:Gordon Baudino
Marshalls:Rick Brownhill (for Richard), Jason Barrett (For Shane Hiscock)
Lead Vehicle:Murray McClymont
Follow Vehicle:Greg Reed
Signon/Finish:Garry Lee, Geoff Prendergast, Adam Harrison