B Grade

1st Matt Hamilton (Ipswich)

2nd Peter Gumbley (HPRW)

3rd Matt Andrews (Ipswich)

4th Mark Eltherington (HPRW)

Prime Darren Townsend (HPRW)


Unfortunately there was another bad accident this week and all other races had to be cancelled. Garry Lee has quite a few broken ribs, Donna Fyfe broke her collarbone and Peter Luff I believe also has a collarbone injury, several others including Darren Townsend suffered minor grazes and bike damage. By the time the ambulance was off the track and due to the already late start it was decided to abandon the following races.

All entries fees will be credited at further races.

3 toolkits were left behind (2 bidon style, one seatbag). If they belong to you please contact Wayne Wilson