25th March 2018 Pinkeba ITT Results

Thanks to all of the 80 riders who came out for a time trial this morning to mark the start of the winter season, proving it's not all about crits!

Thanks to all our volunteers:
Chief Commissaire: Neil Hamey
Rego/Timing:Adam Harrison, Matt Munro, Jonathan Munro, Jo Sinclair, Gary Alcorn, Joe Hughes
Marshalls/Vehicles: Stuart Morrison, Steve Munro

A Grade Jim Murphy Peter Gwynne, Damien Stacy, Nino Calabro

B1 Grade  Jason Churchward Robert Cordle Craig Kg King, Cameron Bailey

B2 Grade Daniel Mulcahy Phil Allen (Gary standing in for Rod Caldwell!) Gary Madigan

C1 Grade Sue Dingas (the others had to leave early)

C2 Grade Ron Young Kassi Cartia, Sarah Leuenberger, Sue Jones