16th February 2019 Nundah Results
SAFETY MESSAGE: Please be mindful of other riders on the course.
- Don't do a warmdown lap after your race - pull into the marshalling areas straight away.
- Don't do a warmup lap on the course when riders are still racing(!)
- When asked to go to the marhsalling area, look for riders on the course and when it's clear, move quickly to the marshalling areas staying to the inside (RHS) of the track (or ride on the path and cross over)
- After your race pull into the marshalling area straight away - don't do another lap
- Always pass slower grades on the outside (left hand side of the track), then stay on the left hand side of the track until the whole of your bunch is clear.
- If you are dropped stay on the INSIDE of the track
A Grade
B1 Grade
B2 Grade
C1 Grade

D Grade Juniors

D Grade Seniors

Juniors B