27th Feb 2021 Battle of the Arses Results

Hamilton Wins 250 to 200!

Report from Club Captain Mick Cole:
Thanks all University of Queensland and Hamilton Wheelers Cycling club members who turned up this morning for the annual Battle of the Aarses interclub event. We had over 250 riders across our two clubs nominate to compete in the 5 graded races and while a few riders didn’t make the start line, the fields were still loaded with plenty of enthusiastic club men and women.

After 5 races, 2 of which were unfortunately abandoned due to an accident, Hamilton came out on top scoring 250 points to Uni’s 200 points. Congratulations to the Hamilton Wheelers; you have brought the Aarses trophy back to Nundah for the first time since 2011!!

Special thanks must go to all of the UQCC and HWCC volunteers who have been working tirelessly behind the scenes (and today) to make this event possible; especially 
 Gary Hocking and John Wright from UQCC and Kim Flesser, Wayne Wilson, Trish Sutton-Davies, Ceran Nilsen and Gary Alcorn from Hamilton.
Thanks also to our incredible commissaires who oversaw today’s races, our volunteers who manned the sign-on desk and marshalled the corners, and the great group of spectators who came out and made a morning of it.

Sending our thoughts and best wishes to the riders involved in the accident this morning and I sincerely wish those who were injured all the best for a swift and complete recovery.

Looking forward to our 3-race interclub series a little later in the year, but until then, train hard and ride safe.

Mick Cole
HWCC Club Captain

There is also a great album of photos from our friends at ESi Sport Photography

A Grade

C Grade

D Grade

El Capitano