Sun 14 Aug 2022 Interclub Round 3 Results

Captain's Log:

A very special thanks to the Hamilton Wheelers members who got involved in the final round of the Interclub series hosted by Lifecycle Cycling Club - Brisbane this morning. It was a very chilly and foggy start to the day but, as the morning progressed, the fog parted and made way for a beautiful sunny morning. Thank you to those who hung around after their race to cheer on their mates and to hear the announcement of this year's series winners.
While we gave it our all on track, University of Queensland Cycle Club won the day and will retain the coveted Interclub Shield for 2022. The points for today’s races were UQCC: 72, HWCC: 41, and Lifecycle: 8; putting the final points tallies for the series at UQCC: 197, HWCC: 176, Lifecycle: 41. On behalf of the Hamilton Wheelers, I congratulate the UQCC Executive and Club Members on their performances throughout the series.
To Nathan Campbell, Lachlan Gray, Mitsue Campbell and the Lifecycle Cycling Club, Tim Class-Auliff, Chris Gibbs, and all the volunteers, a very special thanks for organising and hosting today’s racing. To UQCC's Aaron Bear Liang, Luke Chippindale and executive team, thanks for your contribution to this series. And, to Kim Flesser, Adam Harrison, Wayne Wilson, Peter Kelly and the Hamilton Wheelers' Exec Committee, thanks for all you have contributed to the planning and execution of this series. We are truly lucky to have people like you behind our club.
Until our paths cross again, take care and safe riding
Mick Cole
HWCC Club Captain