24th September 2022 Ted Alexander Memorial Handicap Results

We have quite a few riders who come out of racing retirement just for this race and it's fantastic to see them out there riding in Ted's memory along with everyone else. Ted's wife Andrea raced again despite zero bike time this year and handed out the prizes and plaques to the winners. Thanks to all the riders who turned out for a great mornings racing.

Special mention to all our volunteers for making the racing happen!
Chief Commissaire: Peter Allonby
Assistant Commissaire: John Madigan
Marshalls/Vehicles: Gary Madigan, Julie Catlin, Colin Harkness, Alastair Douglas, Les Kahler (for Marion)
Handicappers: Pete Kelly, Mark Croonen

Andrea Alexander with the Division Two winner Neve Parslow

Division 2 L-R 2nd Zachary Douglas-Savage, 1st Neve Parslow, 3rd Eli Taylor, 4th Trish Sutton-Davies

Division 1 Ladies Podium L-R 2nd Ellie Hoitink, 1st Kate Morgan, 3rd Jessa Francis

Division 1 Podium L-R 2nd Bailey McDonald, 1st Kate Morgan, 3rd Stuart Shaw, Fastest Time Craig Wiggins