Thanks to Ipswich for hosting the final Interclub and Don Brinkworth for the results.

Results for Interclub Road Race  July 26, 2009
There were 37 competitors entered in 4 grades plus juniors; 22 from HPRW, 4 from Sunshine Coast,
10 from Ipswich and a visitor from Coburg, Vic. HPRW had 2 winners, 3 seconds, and 3 thirds;
Sunshine Coast had 1 first, and 1 second; Ipswich had a first and a third. Obviously HPRW has once
again won the Interclub competition swamping and Motivating the rest of us by participation numbers
and enthusiasm. Congratulations and thanks to the many supporters and helper-volunteers at this event
and the earlier 2 events.

The Peak Crossing course delivered the following results:
A Grade (8 entrants)   
1st David Stallan (SC.)      2nd  Isaac Tonello (SC))    3rd Damien Peall (Ips)                     

B Grade (14 entrants)

1st Marek Marchewa (HPRW)        2nd Neill Smith (HPRW)    3rd  Daniel Zabek (HPRW)
C Grade (9 entrants)
1st David Gordon (Ips)   2nd Anthony Bolter (HPRW)     3rd  Paul Willeti (HPRW)
D Grade (5 entrants)
1st  Jim Louden (HPRW)    2nd Gary Foothead (HPRW)    3rd  Sharon Bolter (HPRW)

1st Chelsea Snodgrass (Ips)