Results - HPRW Uni Head-to-Head Interclub 9th April 2011 - Nundah
A great mornings racing was had by members of both clubs with true club spirit displayed in all races. Thanks go to the many volunteers from both clubs to making this event happen, for providing registration, marshalling and commissaires, and to Uni for providing and awarding the truly magnificent trophy 'The Arses' to HPRW to be held securely until next year's event.
Starters 30
1st Matt Ryan HPRW
2nd Kristian Juel Uni
3rd Dr Andy Patten HPRW
4th Andrew Matheson Uni
Prime Matt Ryan HPRW
B – Grade, 50 minutes plus 2 laps
Starters 45
1st Matt Powell HPRW
2nd Scott Barnes HPRW
3rd Stephan Meharg HPRW
4th Matt Gallagher Uni
Prime Darren Croad HPRW
Women’s Handicap, 16 laps
Starters 13
1st Nikolina Orlic HPRW
2nd Gail Singleton HPRW
3rd Donna Fyfe HPRW
4th Dominique Schultz Uni

C – Grade, 30 minutes plus 2 laps
Starters 28
1st Andrew Stephan Uni
2nd James Jackson HPRW
3rd Brendan Bartlett Uni
4th Brett Nelson Uni
Prime Andrew Stephan Uni
D – Grade, 25 minutes plus 2 laps
Starters 14
1st Glen Dexter HPRW
2nd Stewart Curran HPRW
3rd G. Searle Uni
4th Iain Caldwell HPRW
Prime Iain Caldwell HPRW
Junior Results
Under 11, 15 minutes plus 2 laps
1st Patrick Hughes HPRW
Under 13, 15 minutes plus 2 laps
1st Finley Caldwell HPRW
2nd Ty Powell HPRW
3rd Aidan Kersley HPRW
4th Jayd-Ann Lock
Under 15 Boys, 20 minutes plus 2 laps
1st Jaeden Smyth HPRW
Total Junior Riders 6
Some more photos from the A grade race: