Lakeside 20th October 2012
A Grade
1. Matt Ryan HPRW
2. Richard Brownhill HPRW
3. Owen Gillott HPRW
4. John Murazak HPRW
B Grade
1. Craig Mitchell HPRW
2. Alex Lange HPRW
3. Greg Sakzewski HPRW
4 Adam Wills HPRW
1st Lady Jessica Toghill
C Grade (Combined C1/C2)
1. Pete Allonby HPRW
2. Kim Flesser HPRW
3. Howard Cameron HPRW
4. Phil Jones HPRW
Prime Kim Flesser HPRW
D/E Grade
1. Lachlan Moloney U15 HPRW
2. Laurie Kelly HPRW
3. Kris Kersley HPRW
Thanks to our volunteers all who offered to help at the last minute:
Chief Commissaire:Rene Lubbers
Asst. Commissaire:John Madigan
Sign-on:Laurie Kelly, Graham Kemp
Start/Finish: Adam Harrison
Marshalls: Mitch Neummann, John Chapman
Handicapper/Results: Terry Bourne