Jun 15 2013 Elimbah Road Race Results

We had a great arvo's racing with some strong winds and a few hills to make it hard. Races don't often end in big bunch sprints out at Elimbah! Thanks to all our volunteers and officials for helping out.

Commissaire: Peter McDonald
RaceAdmin:Terry Bourne
Marshalls/Vehicles/Signon/Finish:Carrie Rankin,Scott Burton, Chris Print,Gav Beuchler, Hugh Fyson/Karen Forster, Gary Alcorn, Laurie Kelly, Wayne Wilson,Calli McCall, Maggie Egan (and anyone I've missed!)

ESI Sports Photography were out on the course taking lots of great photos, which can be viewed on their website and watermark-free copies purchased. Feel free to use these images but please don't edit them in any way.

A Grade Men
1 Simon Meyer (MBCC)
2 Matt Ryan (HPRW)
3 Mick Manson (HPRW)
4 Andy Patten (HPRW)

B Grade Men
1 Alan Jones (HPRW)
2 Michael Scully (HPRW)
3 Bruce Dickson (HPRW)
4 Luke Cunningham (HPRW)


Dean Davidson working hard in B

Nathan showing 'em who is da 'Bosch'

C Grade Sprint Jim Murphy and Terry Miller

C Grade Men
1 Jim Murphy (HPRW)
2 Terry Miller (HPRW)
3 Mark Himler (HPRW)
4 Kim Flesser (HPRW)

D Grade Men
1 Ted Alexander (HPRW)
2 Ron Young (HPRW)
3 Neil Jackson (HPRW)
4 Steve Crowley (HPRW)
Terahk, Dim and Aidon in D grade