Results of Inter-Club Road Race, Hosted by Ipswich CC at Harrisville, June 22, 2008:

A Grade B Grade C Grade

1st Pete Thompson (Ips.) Mat Andrews (Ips.) Clayton Thorley (Ips.)

2nd Bill Ayres (Ips.) Alec Manderson (HPRW) Brad Muller (HPRW)

3rd Craig Taylor (Ips.) Adrian Cook (HPRW) John Osborough (Ips.)

4th Mark Prince (Ips.) Peter Gumbley (HPRW) Andrew Tewes (Ips.)

5th Chris Millen (HPRW) Jayson Headridge (Ips.) Scott Forbes (HPRW)

6th Trevor Gordon (Ips.) Thomas Carden (Ips.) Scott Kirton (Ips.)


Many thanks to Ipswich for organising a great race, which was very well organised, with lead vehicles for each grade and marshalls on all corners.

We were late getting the interclub competition organised this year so Ipswich only joined at the last minute. They are keen to participate next year and are fierce competitors, so HPRW will not have it so easy next year that's for sure!

HPRW get the win overall!

Round 3 Points

HPRW   35

 SCCC     0

Ipswich 97


HPRW 269

SCCC   188

Ipswich 97