2013 Club Criterium Championship Results - 20 July at Nundah
Luckily the rain stayed away and we had a jammed packed morning's racing at the Nundahdome. Congratulations to all our 2013 Club Criterium Championship medallists. Medals will be awarded at the Club Presentation Night for Gold, Silver and Bronze. Thank you to all our many volunteers who helped out during the morning, who are listed below (apologies if we have missed anyone who did not sign-on).Points
Points are awarded 10 for first, 6 for second, 4 for third, 1 for starting, 1 for finishing, and two if you don't race and volunteer instead.
Note from Rene Lubbers - Chief Commissaire: Please pass on my congratulations to your members and officials who attended the HPRW Club Crit Championships. From a Commissaries’ perspective it was a safe, well run event thanks to those members who volunteered to assist. However there was one minor niggle which would be remiss of me in my role as Commissaire not to mention.
I would appreciate if you could remind those junior riders and their parents of their obligation to conform with rule 3101, paragraph “A” of the CQ by-laws in regards to gearing restrictions.
Upon inspection after the event it was noted that there were just three bikes not in keeping with the distances specified, however small the infringement. The parents of the riders were spoken to and reminded of their obligations and I’m sure that they will take steps to rectify the oversight.
I understand the tight schedule we were all working to in order to get through the day’s events however I would suggest that perhaps a 20 or 30 minute interval needs to be slotted in before the junior events in the future so that roll outs and helmet checks can be carried out on a regular basis.
Results by Age Division (photos below)
Elite Men
1 John Murazak
2 Rupert Leigh
3 Christophe Manchon
4 Ryan Wilson
Mens Masters 1
1 Luke Cunningham
2 Barry Mead
3 Adam McCormick
Mens Masters 2
1 Shane Spence
2 Mick Manson
3 Warren Forbes
Mens Masters 3
1 Bruce Dickson
2 Darren Croad
3 Michael Scully
Mens Masters 4
1 David Crosswell
2 James Murphy
3 Chris Forster
4 Adam Harrison
Mens Masters 5
1 Wim Van Zijl
2 Phil Jones
3 John Chapman
4 Brad Tamer
Mens Masters 6
1 Kim Flesser
2 Thomas Rothlisberger
3 Stephen Froome
4 Gerard O'Brien
Mens Masters 7
1 Francois Audibert
2 Stephen Watson
3 Nick Wright
Mens Masters 8
1 Ted Alexander
2 Hugh Fyson
3 Peter Alexander
Mens Masters 9
1 Jim Loyden
2 Gary Foothead
3 Bob McIntyre
Mens Masters 10
1 Vince Amos
2 Lindsay Green
Elite Women
1 Jessica Toghill
2 Shannon Clarke
3 Cynthia Garton
Women Masters 2/3/4 Women & U19 Combined Results across the line
1 Jeanette Davidson WMAS2
2 Katie Chapman WU19
3 Tanya Mangold WMAS3
4 Suz Davis WMAS3
5 Karen Forster WMAS4
Womens Masters 2
1 Jeanette Davidson
Womens Masters 3
1 Tanya Mangold
2 Suz Davis
Womens Masters 4
1 Karen Forster
Womens U19
1 Katie Chapman
Women Masters 5/6/7/8/9 Combined Results across the line
1 Gail Singleton WMAS5
2 Trish Sutton-Davies WMAS5
3 Jenni Eason WMAS6
4 Andrea Alexander WMAS5
Womens Masters 5 (3 entrants)
1 Gail Singleton
2 Trish Sutton-Davies
3 Andrea Alexander
Womens Masters 6 (1 entrant)
1 Jenni Eason
Juniors U9 Male
1 Noah Fontaine
2 Marly Harrison
3 Jake Davidson
4 Sandon Hull
Junior U11 Male
1 Tim Forster
2 Tristan Sheridan
Junior U13 Male
1 Clinton Fraser
2 Aidon Clements
3 Zach Sheridan
4 Joseph McClune
Junior U13 Female
1 Maddison Dillon
2 Jorja Guyatt
Junior U15 Male
1 Dil Sirl
2 Terahk Clements
Junior U15 Female
1 Sarina Hull
Junior U17 Male
1 Colin Chapman
2 Neco Kriel
3 Lochie Morgan
U19 Male
1 Max Neumann
2 Cameron Caldwell
U23 Male
1 Mitch Neumann
2 Neale Roborg-Sondergaard
Chief Commissaire - Rene Lubbers
Commissaire - John Madigan
Signon/Marshalls/Startline - Terry Cocksedge,Jess Toghill, Gerard & Neale Roborg-Sondergaard, John Chapman, Grant Dawson,Steve Froome,Ron & Helen Young, Gary Alcorn, Warren Forbes, Jenni Eason, Martin & Carrie Wright, Steve Crowley, Wayne Wilson, Adam Harrison

Chief Commissaire - Rene Lubbers
Commissaire - John Madigan
Signon/Marshalls/Startline - Terry Cocksedge,Jess Toghill, Gerard & Neale Roborg-Sondergaard, John Chapman, Grant Dawson,Steve Froome,Ron & Helen Young, Gary Alcorn, Warren Forbes, Jenni Eason, Martin & Carrie Wright, Steve Crowley, Wayne Wilson, Adam Harrison